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November 12th, 2022

CrossFit Aylesbury

Partner WOD

In Pairs, AMRAP 30 - alternate between:


1000m Row

50 Thrusters (20/15)

30 Pullups


800m Run (together)

50 Overhead Squats (20/15)

30 TTB

Stimulus: Split the work as desired - athletes should be able to perform 10 reps on each barbell movement and 5 reps on the gymnastics

Scaling: Reduce load as needed (and if necessary OH Squat > F Squat) Pullup > Jumping Pullup. TTB > Leg Raise > Knee Raise > Sit up

Coaches Notes:

In pairs, athletes split the work as desired in a 1 work/1 rest format. Once the pair have completed ‘Jackie’ they move onto the 800m Run (together) followed by OHS & TTB. Then back to ‘Jackie’ etc.

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